Projet "Cross-Channel Health Humanities Network"

Projet Projet international

Cross-Channel Health Humanities Network

Titre : Cross-Channel Health Humanities Network

Durée : 12 mois

Dates de début et de fin : Du 01/01/2023 au 31/12/2023

Résumé : The Cross-Channel Health Humanities Network (C2H2N) brings together researchers, public sector & civil society partners, and communities to harness arts and humanities as a resource for health and wellbeing in the region of Kent, Hauts-de-France and Flanders. C2H2N aims to facilitate networking between existing research groups with an interest in health humanities. Grant development workshops will be included in each event to develop external applications on community wellbeing to Horizon 24 and national funding bodies (UKRI; FWO; ANR).

Chercheurs engagés pour GériicoSimona De Iulio et Laurence Favier

Contacts : Laurence Favier

Partenariats : University of Kent, Université de Gand, KU Leuven